In addition to its ecological effects, planting designs help to obtain a more whole and aesthetic landscape by softening the harsh appearance of the built environment, reducing the visually disturbing features, creating more pleasing and inviting spaces, and integrating the structures into the environment. Plants have become a material that is frequently encountered in many buildings, used to make the space attractive and increase productivity. Shopping centers, where people spend their free time and have social relations, are among the places where planting designs are frequently used, with circulation areas symbolizing streets and squares and spaces supporting recreational activities. In the study, the use of plant materials in the interiors of shopping centers is discussed through the example of the Forum Trabzon. The study consists of 3 stages. In the first stage, a literature background was created by researching the use of plant materials in interiors and shopping centers. The second stage includes the steps of obtaining the data related to the study area, revealing the plant use types in the study area and examining them in the context of functionality, naturalness (living/artificial), mobility (fixed/mobile), and design method (solitary/group). In the third stage, all the collected data was turned into a summary table and the results related to functionality, mobility, naturalness, and design method were revealed in line with the obtained data. Evaluation of the criteria determined in this study, in which planting design is handled through shopping malls, can be a reference for future studies in spaces that serve different purposes.