Abstract-Although a support vector machine (SVM) is one of the most frequently used classifiers in the field of intelligent transportation systems and shows competitive performances in various problems, it has the disadvantage of requiring relatively large computations in the testing phase. To make up for this weakness, diverse methods have been researched to reduce the number of support vectors determining the computations in the testing phase. This paper is intended to help engineers using the SVM to easily apply support vector number reduction to their own particular problems by providing a state-of-the-art survey and quantitatively comparing three implementations belonging to postpruning, which exploits the result of a standard SVM. In particular, this paper confirms that the support vector number of a pedestrian classifier using a histogram-of-oriented-gradientbased feature and a radial-basis-function-kernel-based SVM can be reduced by more than 99.5% without any accuracy degradation using iterative preimage addition, which can be downloaded from the Internet.Index Terms-Reduced-set method, support vector machine (SVM), support vector number reduction (SVNR).