EditorialIn silico (or computational) biochemistry is a growing subfield of medicinal and biological chemistry. The growth of research in this area has accelerated at a dramatic rate during the past two decades given the phenomenal increase in the speed of computing and the drastic reduction of its costs. These technological advances were paralleled by no less spectacular conceptual advances in theoretical chemistry, bringing highquality electronic structure calculations, the full interpretative power of quantum mechanics, and computational speed together at the desktop of the practicing chemist. The pioneering early work of the Pullmans in the sixties has now come a very long way in modeling, interpreting and predicting the chemistry of life [1,2]. This relatively new Journal has already devoted a series of three special issues this year to computational medicinal chemistry, an initiative that underscores the importance of this emerging field in medicinal chemistry [3][4][5].The developments alluded to above may be classified into two broad categories: theories and methods that yield results of comparable quality to post-Hartree-Fock electronic structure methods, such as configuration interaction methods, but at a small fraction of the computational cost; and quantum mechanical theoretical advances that provide insight into the results of the calculations.A prime example of a new theory that often yields configuration interaction quality results at a much lower cost is density functional theory (DFT) [6,7], developed by Nobel Laureate Walter Kohn in the 1960s and that is now a widely used mature field.The advances in electronic structure methods were both theoretical (e.g., the development of new hybrid functionals, a noted example being the B3LYP [8,9] hybrid DFT functional) and also algorithmic by incorporating them into standard quantum mechanical codes such as GAMESS and Gaussian. DFT brought the cost of highquality calculations that incorporate Coulombic electron correlation to the fingertips of the average chemist, when the use of post-Hartree-Fock methods is impractical. But these advances were not all. Given that medicinal and biological chemists are typically interested in very large molecules, several innovations attacked the problem from a different angle: that of slowing down the scaling of the calculations with size.A number of methods were developed that focus on a region of the molecule such as an active site to study, for example, the catalysis of a biochemical reaction at this site or to compute and compare the binding energies of several substrates. These methods generally partition the system in layers surrounding the active site, with subsequent layers (subsystems) treated at more economical computational levels, with the active site being treated at the most accurate level and the layer most distant from it at the lowest level. A widely used example of this multilayered approach is the quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics approach [10][11][12][13][14].In other instances, the entire molecule...