Unbounded (and bounded) Toeplitz operators (TO) with rational symbols are analysed in detail showing that they are densely defined closed and have finite dimensional kernels and deficiency spaces. The latter spaces as well as the domains, ranges, spectral and Fredholm points are determined. In particular, in the symmetric case, i.e., for a real rational symbol the deficiency spaces and indices are explicitly available. -The concluding section gives a brief overview on the research on unbounded TO in order to locate the present contribution. Regarding properties of unbounded TO in general, it furnishes some new results recalling the close relationship to Wiener-Hopf operators and, in case of semiboundedness, to singular operators of Hilbert transformation type. Specific symbols considered in the literature admit further analysis. Some conclusions are drawn for semibounded integrable and real square-integrable symbols. There is an approach to semibounded TO, which starts from closable semibounded forms related to a Toeplitz matrix. The Friedrichs extension of the TO associated with such a form is studied. Finally, analytic TO and Toeplitz-like operators are briefly examined, which in general differ from the TO treated here.