Kendari is a city in Southeast Sulawesi that has the potential for a high abundance of fish resources. That's why a lot of ship assistance will be allocated to the area. The purpose of this research is to explain the condition of the vessels in Southeast Sulawesi and to make a technical study of the handlines, namely the level of stability, resistance, and shaking period in Southeast Sulawesi. Marine ship with stability, resistance to motion, and rolling period. In the Kendari ship design group, there are three large, medium, and small groups. Of the three groups, all designs form the bow height, namely the raked bow ramps which indicates that the ship there is uniform from the shape of the bow height. The design has a different longitudinal cross-sectional shape, which is double-pointed for groups with small group sizes and transoms for large and mediumsized vessels. Estimates of stability, rolling period, and ship resistance in Southeast Sulawesi, namely from the three criteria have values that meet the criteria. Ships with medium group sizes have a good stability value between both large and small groups. Based on the ability of motion resistance, vessels with medium group size have the greatest value of resistance because ships with handline fishing gear do not require speed because of passive fishing gear. Based on the value of the rolling period of ships with medium, large, and small group sizes, they have a value according to the requirements. The results showed that handlines were the choice of fishermen to be selected as aid vessels.