Transformation adaptation arises due to increased deforestation and how communities around the forest adapt to sustain their lives. Uncertainty over forest area control can hinder the effectiveness of forest management. In order to accommodate the functions of protection and use of the economy in a balanced, the government has issued a policy on forest resource management since the Old Order era developed into the New Order era to the present era. This study aims to describe the development of community adaptation to changes in forest management patterns in Wajak District. The research was conducted in Wajak District, Malang Regency. The stages of data analysis in this qualitative research were carried out with interactive techniques, including data reduction, data presentation, conclusion drawing or verification. Researchers use two techniques, including triangulation (combined) from the type of source and technique triangulation. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the transformation of forest management patterns based on each transition period included planting, maintenance, profit sharing collection, processing and marketing of forest products, as well as the form of cooperation policies with Forest Village Community or Masyarakat Desa Hutan (MDH) in Wajak District. Transformation adaptation of community in forest areas changes in line with the Social Forestry policy. At present, this transformation has an impact that the community feels in terms of social, economic, and environmental aspects. Other impacts include open access to community development and empowerment programs, diverse community livelihoods, and environmental conservation in the forest.