KeyWordsGas chromatography mass spectrometry Volatile constituents of celeryand water dropwort Headspaoe solid phase microextraction
SummaryGas chromatography mass spectrometry with headspaoe solid phase microextraction was used for the analysis of the volatile constituents of celery and water dropwort. Solid phase mi croextraction was carried out wth a 65 u.m polydimethylsiloxane divinylbenzene fiber at 60 ~ for 45 rain. The fiber was desorbed in the GC iniection liner at 250 ~ for 3 rain. Thirty eTght compounds in calory and thTrty-five compounds Tn water dropwort were separated and idenCfied. The main compounds found in both calory and water dropwort included cis-3-hexen-l-ol, a~-myrcene, limonene, a-pinene, 1/i-cyclohexadiene, 1,5,5-trimethyl-6-methylene-cyclohexene, 3J,~l,15-tetramethyl-2-hexadecen-l-ol, n-hexadeconoic acid and a~-caryophyllena. The predsion of the method was studied by five replicate analysis of the main volatile compounds in celery and a relative standard deviation value less than 5.0% showed that the method could provide good reproducibili~