By using the statistical techniques of ANOVA: mean test and regression, it was found that the NKR calibration factor of Standard Imaging (SI) model HDR 1000 plus chambers presents a quadratic dependence with the reference air kerma rate KR
(from 6.9 mGy h-1 to 43.9 mGy h-1). In order to understand and correct this dependency one model is presented for total recombination: ks=I300/I150=1+kini+ kd +kvol I300+kscreenI300
, where kini
is the initial recombination, kd
the thermal diffusion recombination, kvol
the volumetric recombination and kscreen
the screening for the currents/charges collected at the potential differences of 300 and 150 V. In conclusion, the total recombination ks
is composed by one kini
with a constant contribution of 0.019%, one kd
contribution of 0.017%, one kvol I300
contribution from 0.022% to 0.138%, and the kscreenI300
effects from 0.002% to 0.09% in the range of KR
rate above. However, when this model for ks
is applied to try to correct the quadratic dependence of the NKR vs KR
, explicitly there is no improvement in the variation range of 0.5% of the NKR vs KR
.Nonetheless, it allows to obtain NKR
values consistent with a uc ≤ 0.7 %, which is less than 1.25% reported in the literature by ADCL or SSDL.