The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) is recognised as the de-facto world authority in the field of radiological protection. The ICRP Recommendations have been used as a basis for regulations and policy in almost every country, and with the current review and revision of the System of Radiological Protection, it will continue to make significant contributions in radiation safety for patients, workers, the public, and the environment. In a society undergoing significant change, it is necessary to give careful thought to which groups will be perceived as authoritative organisations by the constituents of the future. The ideal form of an authoritative organisation in the new society of the future is to continue to show how it came to make such recommendations, how it reflected the opinions of interested parties in the process, and how it discloses its records with as much transparency as possible. The question now is what we must do to ensure that decision-making advances in a way that not only makes sense to the present generation, but will be easily consumed by future generations. The path that ICRP is taking to formulate the next set of General Recommendations is doing just that, in line with the key procedural values of INCLUSIVE, ACCOUNTABLE, AND TRANSPARENT.