Flood risk communication helps people plan for and recover from disasters, especially in flood-prone areas. The Nines of Safety (NoS) concept described in this study provides a new perspective for flood risk communication and assessment. The NoS method can help analyze flood risk comprehensively and support decision-makers and the public understand their vulnerability under various conditions. This novel approach considers physical parameters, socioeconomic factors, and demographics to assess flood risk. The analysis demonstrates that water characteristics are crucial to determining safety. The socioeconomic parameters deal with how income, age, and population density affect flooding risk. The analysis shows how these factors affect the Nines of Safety scale. These variations highlight the importance of a community-specific risk communication strategy. Explaining the complexity of flood risk assessment with this novel method makes it more accessible. Given its quantitative and qualitative effects, this strategy could empower communities to make sensible decisions and adapt to changing flood scenarios. The Nines of Safety concept can help communities better understand their risks. Information on vulnerable individuals and land use can help understand how different factors affect flood risk profiles. This study discusses how the NoS technique can transform flood risk perceptions and strengthen communities. By integrating this new strategy into risk management, stakeholders may tailor their responses to each community, making them more robust to flooding.