To investigate roles of the discriminator and open complex (OC) lifetime in transcription initiation by Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP; α 2 ββ'ωσ 70 ), we compare productive and abortive initiation rates, short RNA distributions, and OC lifetime for the λP R and T7A1 promoters and variants with exchanged discriminators, all with the same transcribed region. The discriminator determines the OC lifetime of these promoters. Permanganate reactivity of thymines reveals that strand backbones in open regions of longlived λP R -discriminator OCs are much more tightly held than for shorter-lived T7A1-discriminator OCs. Initiation from these OCs exhibits two kinetic phases and at least two subpopulations of ternary complexes. Long RNA synthesis (constrained to be single round) occurs only in the initial phase (<10 s), at similar rates for all promoters. Less than half of OCs synthesize a full-length RNA; the majority stall after synthesizing a short RNA. Most abortive cycling occurs in the slower phase (>10 s), when stalled complexes release their short RNA and make another without escaping. In both kinetic phases, significant amounts of 8-nt and 10-nt transcripts are produced by longer-lived, λP R -discriminator OCs, whereas no RNA longer than 7 nt is produced by shorter-lived T7A1-discriminator OCs. These observations and the lack of abortive RNA in initiation from short-lived ribosomal promoter OCs are well described by a quantitative model in which ∼1.0 kcal/mol of scrunching free energy is generated per translocation step of RNA synthesis to overcome OC stability and drive escape. The different length-distributions of abortive RNAs released from OCs with different lifetimes likely play regulatory roles.RNA polymerase | open complex lifetime | transcription initiation | abortive RNA | hybrid length M any facets of transcription initiation by E. coli RNA polymerase (RNAP; α 2 ββ′ωσ 70 ) have been elucidated, but significant questions remain about the mechanism or mechanisms by which initial transcribing complexes (ITC) with a short RNA-DNA hybrid decide to advance and escape from the promoter to enter elongation mode, or, alternately, to stall, release their short RNA, and reinitiate (abortive cycling). For RNAP to escape, its sequencespecific interactions with promoter DNA in the binary open complex (OC) must be overcome.The open regions of promoter DNA in the binary OC are the −10 region (six residues, with specific interactions between σ 2.2 and the nontemplate strand), the discriminator region (typically six to eight residues with no consensus sequence, the upstream end of which interacts with σ 1.2 ), and the transcription start site (TSS, +1) and adjacent residue (+2), which are in the active site of RNAP (Table 1). The interactions involving and directed by the six-residue λP R discriminator make its OC longlived and highly stable (1). A six-residue discriminator allows the OC to form without deforming (prescrunching) either open discriminator strand (2). Less extensive interactions involving and directed...