This study aims to reveal exile experiences and exile spirits encountered by women in the novel De Liefde by Afifah Afra. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to obtain an itemized and detailed description of the exile experience and the exiled spirit that emerges in women. Mastery of language while in exile makes it easy to communicate, and the limitations of language mastery become a scourge. Someone exiled will also instinctively look for the 'same' group with his background, vision, and mission. Javanese women have a long history of racial and gender discrimination among themselves and colonial nations. While in exile, there is an erosion or erosion of self-identity that aims to eliminate his sense of nationality. Therefore, resistance is needed both from internal and external sources. Although seclusion is synonymous with misery, it does not hinder the spirit and desire of women to be in exile. They think exile is a symbol of the highest struggle.