This study was aimed at investigating profitability of selected coarse cereals production in major producing states of India through analyzing cost, return and profitability of coarse cereals cultivation. Cost concepts and farm business income measures used for analysis the data ranging from 1980-81 to 2011-12. Net return of coarse cereals cultivation was observed to be highest for maize and it was highest in Bihar (Rs. 15,429/ha) and lowest Uttar Pradesh (Rs. -4,006/ha). Net return from cultivation of sorghum was found to be highest in Andhra Pradesh (Rs. 952/ha) and lowest for Madhya Pradesh (Rs. -1,456/ha). For pearl millet net return was highest in Andhra Pradesh (Rs. 4,995/ha) and lowest for Karnataka (Rs. -1,252/ha) whereas cultivation of finger millet was observed to be at a loss.