Vertically thin layers of zooplankton were found to be common and recurring features in Mamala Bay on the south shore of the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The formation, maintenance, and vertical displacement of these thin layers are, in part, a function of regional physical oceanographic processes. The purpose of this study was to quantify general thin zooplankton layer characteristics in Mamala Bay and the underlying physical environment in which they occurred. We utilized a 2 mo time series of acoustic backscatter measurements from a calibrated acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) to identify thin scattering features; took biological samples; and collected vertical profiles of physical, optical, and biological characteristics of the water column. In general, thin zooplankton layers were associated with increased water column stability. Stratification at the study site was low relative to other coastal regions around the continental USA where thin layers have been observed. Instances of significant stratification were short-lived, and possibly as a result, thin layers were shorter in duration. Diurnal surface heating accounted for much of the observed stratification, and the breakdown of stratification during civil twilight corresponded with a decrease in thin zooplankton layer formation. Biological and optical measurements taken during a focused shipboard profiling experiment over the course of the study suggested a mechanism for zooplankton layer formation in which zooplankton converged to graze on a thin phytoplankton layer. 409: 95-106, 2010 changes in the underlying physical environment. Thin layers are often found in conjunction with vertical gradients of some physical property, such as water density or current velocity. Franks (1992) and Stacey et al. (2007) proposed a buoyancy-driven mechanism for thin layer formation in which non-motile, or passive, organisms settle at densities equal to their own density; therefore one would expect a higher concentration of organisms near large density gradients. This theory has been supported by observational work by Dekshenieks et al. (2001), who found that a large percentage (71%) of thin layers were associated with the pycnocline. Another purely physical mechanism that has been proposed to contribute to thin layer formation is strain by a sheared velocity profile (Franks 1995, Stacey et al. 2007. To this end, Ryan et al. (2008) found strong statistical relationships between shear in the water column and the presence of thin layers. Thus, an understanding of the regional physical processes that contribute to local stratification and shear may help to predict the occurrence of conditions that are favorable to thin layer development and maintenance.
KEY WORDS: Thin layer · Physical processes · Stratification · Zooplankton
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OPEN PEN ACCESS CCESSMar Ecol Prog SerIn addition, motile species of phytoplankton and zooplankton can actively converge into thin layers seeking nutrients, ...