“…Temperatures of the ejecta are evaluated with an equation of state (Blinnikov et al 1996), taking into account the energy generation through nuclear reactions (Rosswog et al 2017). The model has four parameters; the mass of the ejecta (Mej), the expansion velocity (vex), the electron fraction (Ye), and entropy per baryon (s), where Ye and s are evaluated when the temperature is equal to 9 × 10 9 K. We have performed calculations for parameters of Ye = 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, and 0.3, and vex/c = 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 with fixed parameters Mej = 0.03M⊙, which is comparable to masses adopted in kilonova models for GW170817 (Tanaka et al 2017;Kasen et al 2017), and s = 10kB, where kB is the Boltzmann constant. We investigate the following three cases; (a) the nine nuclei ( 121,123,125,127 Sn,128,129 Sb,129,131 Te, and 134 I) are assumed to be always stayed in their GSs: (b) the nine nuclei in their ISs with 100% β − BRs: and (c) the four nuclei, 123,125,127 Sn, and 128 Sb, whose IS largely dominates over its GS even when IS is not excited from GS (Appendix A), are assumed to be always stayed in their ISs with 100% β − BRs.…”