1 Fac ulty of Ge ol ogy, Geo phys ics and En vi ron men tal Pro tec tion, AGH Uni ver sity of Sci ence and Tech nol ogy, al. A. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Po land Krajewski, M., Olchowy, P., Rudziñski, D., 2018. Sed i men tary suc ces sions in the Mid dle-Up per Oxfordian reef de pos its from the south ern part of the Kraków-Czêstochowa Up land (South ern Po land). Geo log i cal Quar terly, 62 (3): 653-668, doi: 10.7306/gq.1429 The sed i men tary suc ces sion of the larg est ex am ple of an Up per Oxfordian reef lo cated in the south ern part of the Pol ish sector of the north ern Tethys shelf is de scribed. De tailed sam pling of ex po sures en abled char ac ter iza tion of the full suc ces sion of fa cies and microfacies di ver sity, doc u ment ing the reef evo lu tion. The suc ces sion stud ied rep re sents the max i mum de velop ment of Up per Ju ras sic reefs in Po land cor re spond ing to the up per Transversarium and the Bifurcatus zones, and followed by drown ing of the car bon ate plat form in the lower Bimmamatum Zone. The reef suc ces sion com prises three types of fa cies, in which eight im por tant microfacies types were distingushed, re flect ing sev eral stages of reef de vel op ment.Mid-ramp, mi cro bial-sponge frame-reefs rep re sent a transgressive depositional se quence, up to tens of metres thick. A micro bial-Crescentiella-ooid and ooid-intraclast-bioclast fa cies form nu mer ous, decimetre-to metre-scale, se quences cor respond ing to higher-or der, transgressive/re gres sive sea level changes. These fa cies rep re sent a mid-in ner ramp set ting when sed i men ta tion was dom i nated by bioclasts and non-skel e tal grains (mainly ooids, oncoids, ag gre gate grains and intraclasts). The grains were sta bi lized by microbialites and ce mented in early diagenesis, which cre ated grain-dom i nated, mi cro bial-ce ment sup ported reefs. As a re sult, both the mid-ramp, mi cro bial-sponge frame-reefs and the shal low-wa ter, grain-dom i nated, mi cro bial-ce ment sup ported reefs form ex ten sive, strongly lithified Oxfordian reef com plexes in the Kraków-Czêstochowa Up land.