The aim of this research was to analyze the effectiveness of sociodrama method in escalating the disabilities students' speaking English skill at Special Need School (Sekolah Luar Biasa), South Jakarta, Indonesia. The method of the research was descriptive qualitative method which used 6 (six) orthopedically handicapped students as research objects. To collect the data, the researchers used observation, interview and documentation. The scale of assessment referred to norms referenced evaluation. The instruments were pre-test and post-test with 3 (three) criterion being assessed to the students namely vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. They were divided into 9 (nine) elements such as accuracy of word, understanding each word, word choice, intonation, pronunciation, speaking easily, understanding the meaning, diction, structure and grammar. The research found there was any escalation on vocabulary score about 26.16, fluency score lied on 30.50, comprehension score about 27.16 and the means of the score was 27.94. The research findings showed firstly, this sociodrama method was able to be applied either for physically normal students or disabilities students and the result was effective. Secondly, It could be inferred that the physically limitation did not make people difficult reach their achievement, it was proved by the escalation score from pre to post-test process.