A crucial design challenge in minimally invasive surgical (MIS) robots is the provision of a fully decoupled four degrees-of-freedom (4-DOF) remote center-of-motion (RCM) for surgical instruments. In this paper, we present a new parallel manipulator that can generate a 4-DOF RCM over its end-effector and these four DOFs are fully decoupled, i.e., each of them can be independently controlled by one corresponding actuated joint. First, we revisit the remote center-of-motion for MIS robots and introduce a projective displacement representation for coping with this special kinematics. Next, we present the proposed new parallel manipulator structure and study its geometry and motion decouplebility. Accordingly, we solve the inverse kinematics problem by taking the advantage of motion decouplebility. Then, via the screw system approach, we carry out the Jacobian analysis for the manipulator, by which the singular configurations are identified. Finally, we analyze the reachable and collision-free workspaces of the proposed manipulator and conclude the feasibility of this manipulator for the application in minimally invasive surgery.