The present study compared the effects of two weekly-equalized by volume, loading zone and frequency resistance training designs, performed to failure (RTF) or not to failure (NTF), on body composition, strength and mechanical power. Based on individual baseline maximal strength, eighteen recreationally resistance-trained men were pair-matched and consequently randomly assigned to an RTF (n=9) or an NTF (n=9) protocol. Participants trained for 6 weeks using two different routines performed once per week (2 workouts per week). The RTF protocol comprised 4 sets of 10 repetitions per exercise with 2 min rest and the NTF involved 8 sets of 5 repetitions per exercise with 1 min rest. Participants were tested pre-and post-intervention for maximal strength, upper and lower body power, fat-free mass, limb circumferences and muscle thickness. Compared to baseline, both groups improved (p<0.01) the maximal loads lifted in the bench press (RTF +9.44 ± 3.00 kg; NTF +7.22 ± 4.41 kg) and the squat (RTF +9.44 ± 4.64 kg; NTF +11.1 ± 10.33 kg) exercises but only the NTF group increased (p<0.05) upper body power (+15.73 ± 12.59 W). Conversely, only the RTF group showed significant (p<0.05) increase of the elbow flexors (+3.44 ± 5.11 mm) and vastus medialis (+3.28 ± 2.32 mm) thickness while both groups enhanced anterior deltoid thickness (RTF +1.84 ± 1.68 mm, p<0.05; NTF +2.76 ± 2.63 mm, p<0.01). Although both training strategies improved strength, the RTF group elicited better hypertrophic outcomes while the NTF protocol resulted in more favorable improvements for upper body power.