“…This in di cates that flow and fold ing of salt beds, in fact, be gins long be fore the ini ti a tion of salt pil low or diapir ini ti ation and that prob a bly only a min ute in cli na tion of beds trig gers salt flow. Also re cently, grav ity-driven slid ing, flow and fold ing of stratiform beds have been well-doc u mented by seis mic data in salt basins lo cated on con ti nen tal slopes (Davison et al, 2012;Fiduk and Ro wan, 2012;Fort and Brun, 2012;Adam and Krezsek, 2012;Quirk et al, 2012;Strozyk et al, 2012). These data show that in clined salt beds flow down wards in re sponse to grav ity and sed i ment load ing and that the grav ity-driven slid ing and flow leads to de for ma tion of the evaporite se quence as well as an in crease in its total thick ness down the slope, prior to diapirism.…”