Abstract:From an observational point of view, unveiling the physical processes behind the nature of the jets emanating from radio-loud AGN demands the resolution of the structure across the jet with the highest angular resolutions. Relying on a magneto-fluid dynamical description, numerical simulations can help to characterize the internal structure of jets (transversal structure, magnetic field structure, internal shocks, etc.). In the first part of the paper, we shall discuss equilibrium models of magnetized, relativistic, infinite, axisymmetric jets with rotation propagating through a homogeneous, static, unmagnetized ambient medium. Then, these transversal equilibrium profiles will be used to build steady models of overpressured, superfast-magnetosonic, relativistic jets, with the aim of characterizing their internal structure in connection with their dominant type of energy (internal energy: hot jets; rest-mass energy: kinetically-dominated jets; magnetic energy: Poynting-flux-dominated jets).