The two-headed kinesin motor harnesses the energy of ATP hydrolysis to take 8-nm steps, walking processively along a microtubule, alternately stepping with each of its catalytic heads in a hand-over-hand fashion. Two persistent challenges for models of kinesin motility are to explain how the two heads are coordinated (''gated'') and when the translocation step occurs relative to other events in the mechanochemical reaction cycle. To investigate these questions, we used a precision optical trap to measure the singlemolecule kinetics of kinesin in the presence of substrate analogs beryllium fluoride or adenylyl-imidodiphosphate. We found that normal stepping patterns were interspersed with long pauses induced by analog binding, and that these pauses were interrupted by short-lived backsteps. After a pause, processive stepping could only resume once the kinesin molecule took an obligatory, terminal backstep, exchanging the positions of its front and rear heads, presumably to allow release of the bound analog from the new front head. Preferential release from the front head implies that the kinetics of the two heads are differentially affected when both are bound to the microtubule, presumably by internal strain that is responsible for the gating. Furthermore, we found that ATP binding was required to reinitiate processive stepping after the terminal backstep. Together, our results support stepping models in which ATP binding triggers the mechanical step and the front head is gated by strain.motor coordination ͉ optical tweezers ͉ single-molecule biophysics ͉ gating ͉ processivity C onventional kinesin, the founding member of the Kinesin-1 family, uses energy from ATP hydrolysis to transport cellular cargo, taking 8-nm steps along microtubules (MTs) (1). Kinesin molecules are formed from two identical heavy chains, whose N-terminal regions fold to form catalytic motor domains, or heads, which are joined by ''neck-linker'' regions to a common, coiled-coil stalk. With each step, the two kinesin heads exchange leading and trailing positions as they alternately hydrolyze ATP, generating ''hand-over-hand'' motion (2-7). This motion is processive under moderate loads for up to Ϸ100 steps in succession, a property that enables small numbers of motors to ferry cargo over long distances (8, 9). The mechanism responsible for the remarkable processivity of kinesin remains unresolved. Furthermore, the relative order of the translocation step with respect to other steps in the mechanochemical cycle is not established.A corollary of kinesin processivity is that its two heads do not function independently, but in concert. Put another way, the relative phase between the heads must be synchronized by a gating mechanism that prevents both heads from dissociating simultaneously from the MT. Because of the 2-fold symmetry imparted by the kinesin structure, this mechanism must break symmetry to permit synchronization. The most attractive candidate for such a mechanism is the mechanical strain that develops when the two heads separate an...