The thermal etching and the evaporation of ZnS single crystals were studied in vacuum. The Langmuir and the Knudsen evaporation processes on (111), (0001), (1010) and (1120) faces were investigated. In the Langmuir case on cationic polar faces etch pits are formed, whilst on anionic close packaged planes hillocks are observed. Rapid spiral decomposition on the A-surfaces and growth spirals on the B-surfaces are described. In these etch-features symmetrical stress fields are pointed out. From the elimination of different faces and temperature dependent etch pattern anisotropies the relation of the different evaporation rates can be approximated. For Knudsen evaporation the resulting near-equilibrium morphologies are also given. On the basis of the interferometric examination of the morphology it is supposed that the rate determining step for Langmuir evaporation is the generation of kinks.