The synthesis of malachite CuCO3"Cu(OH)2 or Cu2CO3(OH)2 was studied through titrations of copper(II) salt solutions with a solution of sodium carbonate at different temperatures. The precipitates were characterized by TG, IR and chemical analysis. The composition varies depending on the pH of the solution and the temperature. Purer malachite was synthesized by simple mixing of a solution of copper(II) nitrate or sulfate with a solution of sodium carbonate at 50~The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of synthetic malachite was described by either R3 or A~(m=l.2-1.4) law, according to TG analysis, both isothermal and nonisothermal. The Arrhenius parameters determined using three different integral methods showed the kinetic compensation effect, which is correlated to the working temperature interval analyzed.
Keywords: kinetics of thermal decomposition, synthetic malachite
In~oducfionPure CuCO3-Cu(OH)2 is synthesized by mixing 0.1 M copper(II) salt solution with 0.1 M-Na2CO3 solution at 50~ in a mole ratio of 1.0 or with a little excess of Na2CO3. Formation of synthetic malachite was examined comprehensively through titrations, normal and reverse, under various experimental conditions. Kinetic analysis by thermogravimetry, both isothermal and nonisothermal, revealed that the decomposition of synthetic malachite is regulated by either Rn(n=3) or Am(m--1.2-1.4) law. The Arrhenius parameters determined using three different methods showed the kinetic compensation effect, which is rationalized in view of the working temperature interval analyzed.It is known that copper(II) carbonate hydroxide, or synthetic malachite is obtained by reacting a solution of copper(II) nitrate with a solution containing the equivalent amount of sodium carbonate at room temperature [1]. However, little John Wiley & Sons, Limited, Chichester Akad~miai Kiad6, Budapest