OverviewIn this chapter, Arrhenius curves of selected single and multiple hydrogen transfer reactions for which kinetic data are available over a large temperature range are reviewed. The curves are described by a combination of formal kinetics of reaction networks and the one-dimensional Bell-Limbach tunneling model for each reaction step. The main parameters of this model are the barrier heights and barrier widths of the isotopic reactions, the tunneling masses, the pre-exponential factor and a minimum energy for tunneling to occur. This approach allows one to compare efficiently very different reactions studied in different environments and to prepare the kinetic data for higher-dimensional quantum-mechanical treatments. The first type of reactions discussed is concerned with those where the hydrogen bond geometries of the reacting molecules are well established and where kinetic data of the isotopic reactions are available over a large temperature range. Here, it is possible to study the relation between kinetic isotope effects and chemical structure. Examples are the tautomerism of porphyrin, of the porphyrin anion and related compounds exhibiting intramolecular hydrogen bonds of medium strength, and the solid state tautomerism of pyrazoles and of benzoic acid in cyclic associates. One main result is the finding of pre-exponential factors of the order of kT/h @ 10 13 s -1 , as expected by transition state theory for vanishing activation entropies. The barriers of multiple H-transfers are found to be larger than those of single H-transfers.The second type of reactions discussed refers mostly to liquid state solutions and involves major heavy atom reorganization. Here, equilibria between reactive and nonor less reactive molecular configurations may play a role. Several cases are discussed where the less reactive forms dominate at low or at high temperature, leading to unusual Arrhenius curves. These cases include examples from small molecule solution chemistry like the base-catalyzed intramolecular H-transfer in diaryltriazene, 2-(2¢-hydroxyphenyl)-benzoxazole, 2-hydroxy-phenoxyl radicals as well as an enzymatic system, thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase. In the latter case, temperature dependent kinetic isotope effects are interpreted in terms of a transition between two regimes with different temperature independent kinetic isotope effects.
135Hydrogen-Transfer Reactions. Edited by