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AbstractTorrefaction changes the elementary composition of biomass and moves it towards bituminous coal, and accordingly, torrefaction based co-firing system in a pulverized coal boiler have been proved as a promising option for direct co-firing with a large percentage of biomass.This work investigated the performance of torrefaction based co-firing power plant, especially, discussed the roles of torrefaction degree and biomass co-firing ratio in a 220MWe pulverizedfuel power plant. Biomass torrefaction tests were performed at temperature of 200°C, 250°C, 270°C, and 300°C, respectively, and each case was kept same residence time of 30 minutes. A series of analyses were carried out to understand the impacts of torrefaction degree and biomass co-firing ratio on CO 2 emission, process operation, and electricity efficiency. According to the results, it is concluded that CO 2 and CO are the main components of torrefied gases. Averagely, CO 2 and CO account 79% and 18% of total gases in volume fraction in four studied cases. From an energy saving perspective, a deep torrefaction is not recommended, because the energy saved from biomass grinding is less than that consumed by the extra torrefaction process. The results also showed that the electrical efficiency reduced with increasing of either torrefaction degree or substitution ratio of biomass.