In this work, we analyse the late-time evolution of the universe for a particular f (R) gravity model built from an exponential function of the scalar curvature. Following the literature, we write the field equations in terms of a suited statefinder function (y H (z)) and considering well motivated physical initial conditions, the resulting equations are solved numerically. Also, the cosmological parameters w DE , w eff , Ω DE and H(z) and the statefinder quantities q, j, s and Om(z) are explicitly expressed in terms of y H (z) and its derivatives. Furthermore, setting an appropriate set of values for the model parameters, the cosmological parameters as well as the statefinder quantities are plotted, and their present values (at z = 0), are shown to be compatible with Planck 2018 observations and the ΛCDM-model values. Considering updated measurements from the dynamics of the expansion of the universe, H(z), we perform an statistical analysis to constrain the free parameters of the model, finding a particular set of values that fit the data well and predict acceptable values for the cosmological and statefinder parameters at present time. Therefore, the f (R) gravity model is found to be consistent with the considered observational data, and a viable alternative to explain the late-time acceleration of the universe.