We experimentally investigate the phase winding dynamics of a harmonically trapped twocomponent BEC subject to microwave induced Rabi oscillations between two pseudospin components. While the single-particle dynamics can be explained by mapping the system to a twocomponent Bose-Hubbard model, nonlinearities due to the interatomic repulsion lead to new effects observed in the experiments: In the presence of a linear magnetic field gradient, a qualitatively stable moving magnetic order that is similar to antiferromagnetic order is observed after critical winding is achieved. We also demonstrate how the phase winding can be used to generate copious dark-bright solitons in a two-component BEC, opening the door for new experimental studies of these nonlinear features.PACS numbers: 03.75. Kk, 03.75.Mn, 03.75.Lm, 05.45.Yv Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic (AF) orders are two important and fundamental linear magnetic orders in material physics. For instance, it is well known that AF order exists in the underdoped and low temperature region of the phase diagram for high temperature cuprate superconductors [1]. Ultra-cold atoms provide a clear and highly controllable experimental platform for emulating various condensed matter phenomena. In ultracold atomic gases, AF order has been predicted to exist for both bosons and fermions confined in optical lattices, but reaching the required low temperatures is very difficult [2,3]. For cold atoms confined in optical lattices, AF order corresponds to a quantum state where atoms at alternating lattice sites have opposite pseudospins and possess long range phase coherence. For a continuous two-component BEC in a harmonic trap, there are no such discrete lattice sites, but an AF order can still be defined similarly to that in lattices. Each spin component contains periodic and spatially well separated parts and different spin components appear alternating in space. In lattice system, the lattice periodicity sets the AF length scale, whence for a continuous system the minimum domain spacing is limited by the spin healing length. Twocomponent BECs contain rich physics and have been investigated extensively in the past decade in both experiment and theory [4]. Notable phenomena include the analogy to Josephson junction effects for a BEC in a double well potential [5,6], the interaction induced phase separation [7,8], counterflow induced modulational instability [9], novel types of solitons [9], etc.In this Letter, we experimentally investigate the dynamics of an elongated two-component BEC subject to a Rabi coupling between the two components exposed in the presence of a linear magnetic field gradient. We show that the dynamics can lead to a phase resembling AF order. The strong nonlinear interactions in the BEC play a key role, without them periodic winding/unwinding cycles analogous to the ones of [10,11] model that explains these regular cycles. For the nonlinear case, our experiment and numerics show a succession of stages during the winding. First a period of regular winding...