We have experimentally investigated field induced aggregation of nonmagnetic particles confined in a magnetic fluid layer when rotating magnetic fields were applied. After application of a magnetic field rotating in the plane of the fluid layer, the single particles start to form two-dimensional (2D) clusters, like doublets, triangels, and more complex structures. These clusters aggregated again and again to form bigger clusters. During this nonequilibrium process, a broad range of cluster sizes was formed, and the scaling exponents, z and z ′ , of the number of clusters N (t) ∼ t z ′ and average cluster size S(t) ∼ t z were calculated. The process could be characterized as diffusion limited clustercluster aggregation. We have found that all sizes of clusters that occured during an experiment, fall on a single curve as the dynamic scaling theory predicts. Hovewer, the characteristic scaling exponents z ′ , z and crossover exponents ∆ were not universal. A particle tracking method was used to find the dependence of the diffusion coefficients D s on cluster size s. The cluster motions show features of Brownian motion. The average diffusion coefficients < D s > depend on the cluster sizes s as a power law < D s >∝ s γ where values of γ as different as γ = −0.62 ± 0.19 and γ = −2.08 ± 0.51 were found in two of the experiments.