In the strongly damped regime, the convective gain rate for stimulated scatter, κ, is customarily maximized by requiring that, taken together, the laser light wave and the daughter light and plasma waves, satisfy wavevector and frequency matching, and then 1/κ~γ, the plasma wave damping rate. If the bounce frequency in the daughter plasma wave is large compared to the trapped particle loss rate, it would seem, based on naïve , and asymptotes to a finite value for large φ, when the loss of * 2 trapped electrons due to convection out the speckle sides dominates that due to collisions.This behavior, combined with the loss of resonance for φ too large, leads to a maximum value for κ as a function of scattered light frequency and φ, for given laser and plasma parameters. Bounds for stimulated Brillouin scatter gain rate are also obtained. The standard mode-coupling model (MCM) of these scattering processes, when modified to include the trapped particle nonlinear frequency shift, always allows for a propagating plasma wave, and therefore may be qualitatively in error in regimes where the daughter plasma wave loses resonance. A mean field approximation model is proposed which is consistent with the bound on κ and agrees with the MCM in the resonant regime, but differs in the non-resonant regime by respecting this fundamental difference in the plasma mode structure. If a plasma, as it evolves, crosses the resonant/non-resonant regime boundary, a model that is cognizant of both regimes is required to avoid a qualitative overestimate of the scatter.