This experimental study reports the kinetic and thermodynamic
influence of sodium chloride (NaCl) on methane (CH4) hydrate
in an oil-dominated system. To thoroughly examine the inhibition effect
of NaCl on CH4 hydrate formation, kinetically by the induction
time and relative inhibition performance and thermodynamically by
the hydrate liquid–vapor equilibrium (HLwVE) curve,
enthalpy (ΔH
diss) and suppression
temperature are used to measure the NaCl inhibition performance through
this experimental study. All kinetic experiments are performed at
a concentration of 1 wt % under a pressure and temperature of 8 MPa
and 274.15K, respectively, whereby for the thermodynamic study, the
concentration was 3 wt % by using the isochoric T-cycle technique
at the selected range of pressures and temperatures of 4.0–9.0
MPa and 276.5–286.0K, respectively; both studies were conducted
using a high-pressure reactor cell. Results show that kinetically,
NaCl offers slightly to no inhibition in both systems with/without
oil; however, the presence of drilling oil contributes positively
by increasing the induction time; thermodynamically, NaCl contributes
significantly in shifting the equilibrium curve to higher pressures
and lower temperatures in both systems. In the oil system, the contribution
of the THI to the equilibrium curve increases the pressure with a
range of 0.04–0.15 MPa and reduces the temperature with a range
of 1–3 K, which is due to the NaCl presence in the systems
that reduces the activity of water molecules by increasing the ionic
strength of the solution. At a high pressure of 9 MPa, the NaCl inhibition
performance was greater than that at lower pressures <5.5 MPa because,
at the high pressure, NaCl increases the activity of water, which
means that more water molecules are available to form hydrate cages
around gas molecules.