Pyrolysis of solid
fuels forms a solid carbon-rich fuel, also called
char, whose physico-chemical description is rather complex. Heterogeneous
oxidation reactions take place during thermochemical conversion of
char. The present work proposes a predictive detailed kinetic model,
opening a new path for a deeper understanding of the char conversion
process. This model considers porosity, surface area, density of surface
sites, and their evolution along the conversion process. The chemical
aspects of char oxidation are modeled assuming a carbonaceous bulk
structure, surrounded by a variety of surface sites which represent
the chemical functionalities typically present in such materials.
The heterogeneous chemical reactions and their kinetic parameters
are defined based on previous studies in the literature and by analogy
to homogeneous gas-phase reactions of aromatic species. A mathematical
framework is proposed to couple physical and chemical descriptions
of the oxidation process. Although the proposed model benefits from
experimental information, it is able to comprehensively describe the
conversion rate of a broad range of carbonaceous materials such as
carbon nanotubes, graphite, and chars only on the basis of their elemental
composition. The proposed model represents a first step in exploring
the explicit and coupled treatment given to the physical and chemical
evolution of the fuel throughout its conversion, allowing us to consistently
describe the particle evolution, opening a path for reliable models
to manage the chemistry of char conversion.