In this communication, the impacts of adding SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate), TBAF (tetra-n-butylammonium fluoride) and the mixture of SDS ? TBAF on the main kinetic parameters of CO 2 hydrate formation (induction time, the quantity and rate of gas uptake, and storage capacity) were investigated. The tests were performed under stirring conditions at T = 5°C and P = 3.8 MPa in a 169 cm 3 batch reactor. The results show that adding SDS with a concentration of 400 ppm, TBAF with a concentration of 1-5 wt%, and the mixture of SDS ? TBAF, would increase the storage capacity of CO 2 hydrate and the quantity of gas uptake, and decrease the induction time of hydrate formation process. The addition of 5 wt% of TBAF and 400 ppm of SDS would increase the CO 2 hydrate storage capacity by 86.1% and 81.6%, respectively, compared to pure water. Investigation of the impact of SDS, TBAF and their mixture on the rate of gas uptake indicates that the mixture of SDS ? TBAF does not have a significant effect on the rate of gas uptake during hydrate formation process.Keywords Semi-clathrate hydrate Á Gas hydrate Á Kinetics Á CO 2 Á SDS Á TBAF List of symbols P Pressure R Universal gas constant T Temperature V Volume of the gas phase Z Compressibility factor Subscripts 0 Conditions of the cell at time t = 0 i Counter t Time w Water