The influence of aerosol concentration on the cloud-droplet size distribution is investigated in a laboratory chamber that enables turbulent cloud formation through moist convection. The experiments allow steady-state microphysics to be achieved, with aerosol input balanced by cloud-droplet growth and fallout. As aerosol concentration is increased, the cloud-droplet mean diameter decreases, as expected, but the width of the size distribution also decreases sharply. The aerosol input allows for cloud generation in the limiting regimes of fast microphysics (τc < τ t ) for high aerosol concentration, and slow microphysics (τc > τ t ) for low aerosol concentration; here, τc is the phase-relaxation time and τ t is the turbulence-correlation time. The increase in the width of the droplet size distribution for the low aerosol limit is consistent with larger variability of supersaturation due to the slow microphysical response. A stochastic differential equation for supersaturation predicts that the standard deviation of the squared droplet radius should increase linearly with a system time scale defined as τ, and the measurements are in excellent agreement with this finding. The result underscores the importance of droplet size dispersion for aerosol indirect effects: increasing aerosol concentration changes the albedo and suppresses precipitation formation not only through reduction of the mean droplet diameter but also by narrowing of the droplet size distribution due to reduced supersaturation fluctuations. Supersaturation fluctuations in the low aerosol/slow microphysics limit are likely of leading importance for precipitation formation.aerosol indirect effect | cloud-droplet size distribution | cloud-turbulence interactions T he optical properties of warm clouds depend on the droplet size distribution and its moments such as number density and effective radius, which, in turn, are influenced by the aerosol particles that act as nuclei for the formation of cloud droplets (1, 2). Thus, aerosol indirect effects are considered among the largest uncertainties in climate response to changes in radiative forcing (3). This work addresses how the aerosol number concentration affects the cloud-droplet size distribution in a turbulent environment, which is relevant to both the aerosol first and second indirect effects (albedo and lifetime effects). The lifetime effect links the development of precipitation, and thus cloud lifetime, to aerosol number concentration. The logic is that a higher aerosol concentration leads to smaller cloud droplets and narrower size distributions, and therefore suppression of the collision and coalescence of droplets, thereby increasing cloud lifetime and maintaining higher cloud liquid water content (4-7). The microphysical details of the transition from condensation growth to collision growth are not fully understood, however, and it is fair to say that the underlying mechanism of the second indirect effect is still a matter of active research (2, 8). Initiation of precipitation in warm clouds ...