Issues relatedt oe nergy and the environment have now become of central and crucial importance in our societies. Low-carbon green energy will have ac ritical role in an ecessary third industrial revolution.T or educe global greenhouse gas emissions in response to globalization and increasingly stringent carbone mission policies, large scale green energy production technologiesm ust be established worldwide. An ew age of human demandf or green energy is thus cominga nd scientists are focusedo nf inding new functional efficient and low-cost materialst ogenerate clean and sustainable energy.I mproving the energy conversion, generation, and storagee fficiency of energy materials has always been ad aunting challenge. For many important energy materials ystems, such as nanostructured catalysts, artificial photosynthetic systems, smart energy saving materials, and energy storaged evices, monitoring the atomica nd electronic structures close to the interfacial region in ar eal working environment is of paramount importance.D esigning ab etter-performing materialw ithoutc omprehendingi ts fundamentalp roperties such as chemical states, atomica nd electronic structures and how they are altered close to the interfacial regions during the physical and chemicalr eactions involved in their applications is very challenging. Understanding, controlling and tuning the interfaces in energy conversion and storagem aterials requires in situ/operando characterization tools, of which synchrotron X-ray spectroscopies, whichh ave severalu nique features, are very suitable ones. X-ray absorption spectroscopy can be used to elucidate the local unoccupied electronic structure in the con-ductionb and, and X-ray emission spectroscopy can be used to characterizet he occupied electronic structurei nt he valence band. The derived resonanti nelastic X-ray scattering reveals inter-and/ori ntra-electric transitions (i.e. d-d, f-f excitation and charge-transfer excitation) that reflect intrinsic chemicala nd physicalp roperties. Scanning transmission Xray microscopy is ac hemicalm apping technique with elemental sensitivity and spatial selectivity,w hich can therefore yield information about chemical composition in various spatialr egions. This unique characteristic makest he method effectivef or investigating interfacial phenomena (such as electront ransport, interface formation/deformation,d efects, doping etc.). In situ/operandoa pproaches have made the probinga nd understanding of changes in the atomica nd electronic structures of energy materials in an operational environment feasible. This article presentsaperspective of the pioneering developments as wella st he recent achievements in in situ/operando synchrotron X-ray spectroscopies for the advanced investigationo fe nergy materials. Four major energy materials ystems are identified:e nergy storage, energy generation,e nergy conversion,a nd energy saving materials ystems. Selected representative investigations of each systems are showcased and discussed demonstratingt hat in situ/operando sy...