Abstract. We consider a kinetic modulational instability of broadband (random phase) magnetic-field-aligned circularly polarized dispersive Alfvén waves in plasmas. By treating random phase Alfvén waves as quasi-particles, we consider their nonlinear interactions with ion quasi-modes within the framework of the wavekinetic and Vlasov descriptions. A nonlinear dispersion relation governing such interactions is derived and analyzed. An explicit expression for the kinetic modulational instability growth rate is presented. Our results can be of relevance to the nonlinear propagation of incoherent Alfvén waves, which have been frequently observed in interstellar media, in the solar corona and in the solar wind, as well as in the foreshock regions of planetary bow-shocks and laboratory plasmas.Dispersive Alfvén waves (DAWs) are of fundamental importance in astrophysical, space and laboratory plasmas [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. They can be either circularly polarized electromagnetic waves, or an admixture of electrostatic and electromagnetic fields. The dispersion of low-frequency (in comparison with the ion gyrofrequency) circularly polarized DAWs comes from the ion inertia [3], while that of kinetic (inertial) Alfvén waves [9,10] arises from the ion thermal gyroradius/ion polarization (the parallel electron inertia) effect. Large-amplitude DAWs, which can be excited by electron and proton beams, are capable of energizing charged particles and producing electron and ion heating in magnetoplasmas [11,12]. available at https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms. https://doi