Reactions of adsorbed N atoms on Rh͑111͒ to N 2 and NH 3 were studied with temperature programmed desorption, temperature programmed reaction spectroscopy, and static secondary ion mass spectrometry. For N-atom coverages below Ϸ0.15 monolayers, desorption of N 2 follows simple second-order kinetics, but at higher coverages the desorption traces broaden to higher temperatures. Hydrogenation to NH 3 can be described by a stepwise addition of H atoms to N ads in which the reaction from NH 2,ads ϩH ads to NH 3 ,ads determines the rate. The activation energy for the rate determining step is 76 kJ/mol. The desorption of NH 3 from Rh͑111͒ was studied separately. The kinetic parameters for desorption at low NH 3 coverage are 81 kJ/mol and 10 13 s
Ϫ1, but the rate of desorption increases rapidly with increasing NH 3 coverage. It is argued that the remarkable coverage dependence of the desorption rate is unlikely to be caused by lateral repulsive interactions but may be due to a coverage dependence of the pre-exponential factor.