Polymerization of 3.3-bis(chloromethyl)oxetane induced by (iso-CqHg)3Al/H~O catalytic system proceeds in chlorobenzene solution a t 55-95 O C in homogeneous conditions. Dilatometric study in high vacuum system permitted to establish %he following main features of the process under study : irrespectively of the [(iso-C4Hg)3Al]/[HzO] ratio or [catalyst]/[monomer] ratio a gradual acceleration at the start of reaction was observed, followed by a "linear" portion, which in turn is followed by a deceleration. The whole process can be described as the non-stationary reaction with slow initiation, fast propagation and slow degradative chain transfer to polymer. Polymerization is externally first order on [monomer] (when the influence of initiation was excluded), first order on [HzO] until [IIzO] 4 [(iso-C4Hg)3Al]. The sigmoidal dependence with saturation of rate and degree of polymerization on [(iso-C4Hg)3Al] shows, that for [(iso-C4H9)3Al] > [H20] the excess of (iso-C4H9)3Al has no important influence on both polymerization kinetics as well as on the polymer P. The low ratio of P,/Pn (lower than 1.1) indicates that the acceleration period is not due to the consumption of impurities.Approximated 10 molecules of H2O participate in the formation of one active center. This value was found by extrapolation of the plot of {Pn (theoretical)/P, (experimental)} on [HzO] to [HzO] = 0. With increasing the ratio of [catalyst]/[monomer] the percentage of the unused catalyst also increases. Solution of the kinetic scheme as described above, with a degradative chain transfer to polymer treated as an irreversible process, led to the following absolute values of the apparent rate constants, being at 7OoC equal to: ki = 1.6.10-3mole-l.l*sec-l, k,= 8.5 mole-1.l.sec-1, and kt, = 1.2.10-3mole-1.l.sec-1. The kt, was compared with the rate constants of the chain transfer to low molecular ethers (ktE). The kt, value is close to ktE found for P-chloroethyl ether of a structure close to this of a polymer segment. The plot of ktE/k, on -pK, is linear with a slope expected for a cationic process.
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG:Die durch (iso-C4He)sAl/HzO als Katalysator induzierte Polymerisation von 3.3-Bis-(chlormethy1)oxetan verlauft in einer Losung von Chlorbenzol bei 55-95°C in homogener Phase. Dilatometrische Untersuchungen im Hochvakuum ergaben folgende Hauptcharakteristika der Reaktion: Ohne Riicksicht auf das Verhaltnis [ (~S O . C~H~)~A~] / H~O ] oder das Verhaltnis [Katalysator]/[Monomeres] folgt einer allmahlichen Beschleunigung bei Beginn der Reaktion ein linearer Verlauf, dem sich dann eine Geschwindigkeitsabnahme anschlieBt. Der gesamte ProzeB kann als eine nicht stationare Reaktion beschrieben werden mit langsamer Initiierung, raschem Wachstum und einer langsamen, mit Abbau verbundenen Ketteniibertragung auf das Polymere. Die Polymerisation ist in bezug auf die Komentration des Monomeren ([Monomeres]) erster Ordnung (sofern man den EinfluB der Initiierung ausschlieBt) und auch erster Ordnung in bezug auf das Wasser, solange [HzO] G [(iso-CqH9)3Al]...