Environmental context. Inorganic, natural aerosols (sea-salt, mineral dust, glacial flour) and contributions of anthropogenic components (fly ash, dust from steel production and processing, etc.) contain iron that can be dissolved as Fe III in saline media. This study investigates photochemical processes in clouds and aerosols producing gas-phase Cl as a function of salt-and gas-phase composition employing a simulation chamber. Atomic Cl may contribute to the oxidative capacity of the troposphere, and our findings imply local sources.Abstract. Artificial sea-salt aerosol, containing Fe III at various compositions, was investigated in a simulation chamber (made of Teflon) for the influence of pH and of the tropospheric trace gases NO 2 , O 3 and SO 2 on the photochemical activation of chloride. Atomic chlorine (Cl) was detected in the gas phase and quantified by the radical clock technique. Dilute brines with known Fe III content were nebulised until the relative humidity reached 70-90 %. The resulting droplets (most abundant particle diameter: 0.35-0.46 mm, initial surface area: up to 3 Â 10 À2 cm 2 cm
À3) were irradiated with simulated sunlight, and the consumption of a test mixture of hydrocarbons was evaluated for Cl, Br and OH. The initial rate of atomic Cl production per aerosol surface increased with Fe III and was ,1. . The observed production of atomic Cl is discussed with respect to pH and speciation of the photolabile aqueous Fe III complexes.