Reaction of C 63 NO 2 (Ph) 2 (Py) (1)w ith o-phenylenediamine and pyridine producesamixture of C 63 H 4 NO 2 (Ph) 2 (Py)(N 2 C 6 H 4 )( 2)a nd H 2 O@2.C ompound 2 is an ew open-cage fullerene containing a2 0-membered heterocyclic orifice, which has been fully characterizedb y NMR spectroscopy,h igh-resolution mass spectrometry, and X-ray crystallography.T he elliptical orificeo f2 spans 7.45 a long the major axis and 5.62 a long the minor axis, which is large enough to trap water and small organic molecules.T hus, heating am ixture of 2 and H 2 O@2 with hydrogen cyanidea nd formaldehyde in chlorobenzene affords HCN@2 and H 2 CO@2,r espectively.T he 1 HNMR spectroscopy reveals substantial upfield shifts for the endohedral species( d = À1.30 to À11.30 ppm), owing to the strong shielding effect of the fullerene cage.The interior space of fullerenesi sl arge enough to enclose atoms ands mall molecules.[1] Endohedralm etallofullerenes (for example,S c 3 N@C 80 )a re currently being prepared by evaporation of graphite/metal oxide composites, [2] while individual nitrogen atoms, lithium atoms, or noble gases have been incorporated into fullerenes by forced plasmao rh igh-pressurep rocesses.[3] The disadvantageso ft hesem ethods are the large amount of work involved, poor controlo fp roducts, and extremely low yields.[4] Recently,c reating ah ole on the fullerene cage surface by chemical methods provides ap romising approach. [5][6][7][8][9][10] Such open-cage fullerenes allow atoms,s mall molecules, or ions to enter and leave their inner sphere in ac ontrollable and reversible manner( Scheme 1). This molecularcontainer-like feature may find wide applications in sensors, molecular storagea nd transport,h azard sequestration, and biomedicines. [11] The first open-cage fullerene was reported in 1995b yW udl and co-workers.[12] Later,R ubin et al. synthesized ab islactam derivativeo fC 60 and successfully inserted aH eo rH 2 molecule into the cage, [13] though the filling ratio was low owing to as mall orifice size. Komatsu et al. subsequently prepared an ew derivative containing al arger orifice, which encapsulated H 2 quantitatively. [14] Up to now,n obleg ases (He, Ar, Kr), [13,15,16] N 2 , [15] H 2 , [13,14,15, 17,18] H 2 O, [18, 19] CO, [15,20] NH 3 , [21] CH 4 , [22] and HF [23] molecules have been effectively stored inside the open-cage fullerenes,a nd completion of "molecular surgery" [24] to reform the pristine C 60 cage was achieved for He@C 60 , [16] H 2 @C 60 , [17a] and H 2 O@C 60 . [19b] Yett he incorporation of organic compounds bearing functional groupsh as not been reported. In our continuing interest in fullerene chemistry, [25] herein we present the successful insertion of H 2 C=Oa nd HCNi nto an ew open-cage fullerene.The open-cage fullereneC 63 NO 2 (Ph) 2 (Py) (1)w ith a1 2-memberedh eterocyclic ring was prepared from C 60 according to the methodr eported by Komatsu and Murata.[26] Furthermore, following the Iwamatsu'sr ing-enlargement process, [19a] compound 1 was treated with o-phenyle...