The kinetics of ligand binding by Se155-4, an antibody specific for the Salmonella serogroup B O-polysaccharide, were studied by surface plasmon resonance. Because trace amounts of oligomers in Fab and singlechain antibody variable domain (scFv) preparations resulted in biphasic binding profiles that were difficult to analyze, all kinetic measurements were performed on purified monomeric fragments and, for certain mutant scFv, dimeric forms. Results obtained with monomeric forms indicated that the relatively low affinity of the antibody was due to rapid dissociation (k off Ϸ 0.25 s ؊1 ). Dimeric forms generally showed off-rates that were approximately 20-fold slower and a 5-fold increase in association rate constants to approximately 2 ؋ 10 5 M ؊1 s ؊1 . Although the association phases for scFv dimers showed good curve fitting to a one component interaction model, the dissociation phases were biphasic, presumably because the availability and accessibility of sites on the antigen always leads to some monovalent attachment. The fast off-rate for dimers was the same as the monomer off-rate. Se155-4 IgG off-rates were very similar to those observed for scFv dimer, whereas the onrate was the same as that obtained with Fab and scFv monomer.The relatively weak affinities that characterize protein-carbohydrate interactions make understanding how biological processes are mediated by oligosaccharides difficult. However, it is becoming evident, particularly for certain plant and animal lectins, that specificity is achieved by a combination of multivalence and the geometry of the subunit arrangement. There is now a considerable amount of data available on structural and energetic aspects of protein-carbohydrate interactions (1, 2). General structural features are the stacking of aromatic side-chains against the sugar rings, the presence of hydrogen bond networks in which the sugar OH groups act as both acceptors and donors, and the coordination of multiple hydrogen bonds by water molecules (1). As for their energetics, titration microcalorimetry has indicated that these interactions are usually enthalpy-driven and that water reorganization, especially desolvation, is a key feature of complexation (2). Kinetics of the interactions are less well known but are obviously important in understanding the subtleties of carbohydrate-mediated biological events. Without consideration of the time factor, analysis of these interactions from a biological standpoint is difficult. The development of surface plasmon resonance techniques has provided an opportunity to explore biomolecular interaction in real time.We have applied SPR 1 technology to the analysis of antigen binding by the antibody Se155-4. The specificity of Se155-4 is dominated by a 3,6-dideoxyhexose, abequose, presented by the lipopolysaccharide O-antigen of Salmonella serogroup B bacteria (3). This polysaccharide repeating unit is built from four hexopyranose units: {32)[␣D-Abe(133)]␣D-Man(134)␣L-Rha(133)␣D-Gal(13}. The structural (4) and energetic (5, 6) aspects of antigen...