van der Waals cluster ͑SO 2 ͒ n is investigated by using single photon ionization of a 26.5 eV soft x-ray laser. During the ionization process, neutral clusters suffer a small fragmentation because almost all energy is taken away by the photoelectron and a small part of the photon energy is deposited into the ͑SO 2 ͒ n cluster. The distribution of ͑SO 2 ͒ n clusters decreases roughly exponentially with increasing cluster size. The photoionization dissociation fraction of I͓͑SO 2 ͒ n−1 SO + ͔ / I͓͑SO 2 ͒ n + ͔ decreases with increasing cluster size due to the formation of cluster. The metastable dissociation rate constants of ͑SO 2 ͒ n + are measured in the range of ͑0.6-1.5͒ ϫ 10 4 s −1 for cluster sizes 5 ഛ n ഛ 16. Mixed SO 2 -H 2 O clusters are studied at different experimental conditions. At the condition of high SO 2 concentration ͑20% SO 2 partial pressure͒, ͑SO 2 ͒ n + cluster ions dominate the mass spectrum, and the unprotonated mixed cluster ions ͑SO 2 ͒ n H 2 O + ͑1 ഛ n ഛ 5͒ are observed. At the condition of low SO 2 concentration ͑5% SO 2 partial pressure͒ ͑H 2 O͒ n H + cluster ions are the dominant signals, and protonated cluster ions ͑SO 2 ͒͑H 2 O͒ n H + are observed. The mixed clusters, containing only one SO 2 or H 2 O molecule, SO 2 ͑H 2 O͒ n H + and ͑SO 2 ͒ n H 2 O + are observed, respectively.