IntroductionThe raised interest in amorphous solids prepared on the base of ferroelectric materials is caused, on the one hand, by the novelty of the problem and the opportunity of manufacturing new materials with unusual properties, and on the other hand, by potential opportunities of their application in science and engineering. A major question stimulating the study of this type of material is whether the spontaneous arising of the ferroelectric state in homogeneous glass-like materials is possible and how disturbances of the long-range, average-range and short-range order in the arrangement of atoms have an influence on the physical properties of this class of materials [1,2].The possibility of spontaneous dipolar ordering in bulk amorphous materials prepared on the base of polar dielectrics was theoretically predicted by Lines [3]. According to his model, with great probability one could expect a transition to the macroscopic polar state in those amorphous materials that were prepared by rapid melt quenching of many-axes ferroelectrics, having a high value of spontaneous polarization, for example in PbTiO 3 . But till now there are no experimental works, in which the Lines theory would be reliably enough and unequivocally confirmed, in spite of the fact that there exists a number of works, in which P-E hysteresis loops and a peak of the dielectric permittivity at a temperature of the ferroelectric phase transition were observed in thin amorphous films deposited from ferroelectric LiNbO 3 [4] and PbZr 0.51 Ti 0.49 O 3 [5] targets. Despite the polarizing and dielectric properties found in these amorphous materials, one ought to remember that