Assessment of the rate of muscle oxygen consumption, UO 2m , in vivo during exercise involving a large muscle mass is critical for investigating mechanisms regulating energy metabolism at exercise onset. While UO 2m is technically difficult to obtain under these circumstances, pulmonary oxygen uptake, VO 2p , can be readily measured and used as a proxy to UO 2m . However, the quantitative relationship between VO 2p and UO 2m during the nonsteady phase of exercise in humans, needs to be established. A computational model of oxygen transport and utilizationbased on dynamic mass balances in blood and tissue cells-was applied to quantify the dynamic relationship between model-simulated UO 2m and measured VO 2p during moderate (M), heavy (H), and very heavy (V) intensity exercise. In seven human subjects, VO 2p and muscle oxygen © Springer-Verlag 2006 Correspondence to: M. E. Cabrera,
NIH Public Access