. Can. J. Chem. 68,926 (1990). The reactions between hexacyanoferrate(II)-peroxodisulphate, hexacyanoferrate(I1I)-sulphite, hexacyanoferrate(II1)-iodide and peroxodisulphate-iodide have been studied in methanol-water mixtures at different methanol concentrations. The results have been analyzed using different approaches, namely electrostatic theory, the 6~0 initial state -transition state analysis, the decomposition of free energy of activation into enthalpic and entropic terms and, finally, correlation between reactivity and the Grunwald-Winstein parameter, Y. The four reactions show similar behaviour and a correlation between reactivity and the charge of the reactants apparently does not exist. The effect of solvent polarity on the encounter formation processes seems to be an important factor in determining reactivity. However, the influence of solvent on electron transfer process within the encounter complexes cannot be discarded.