We observed a continuous emission spectrum of C * 60 and C + * 60 clusters induced by electron impact for wavelengths 300 to 800 nm (the monochromator's resolution was ∆λ = 3.2 nm). The emission spectrum was described by a modified Planck's formula for the black-body-like radiation. The radiative temperature of clusters, T , (up to 3100 K) and the integral intensity of emission depend on the electron energy Ee in a beam. The intensity of emission from C + 60 is higher than that from a neutral cluster. The emissivity coefficient has been found to be ε(C + * 60 ) = 7.6 × 10 −3 .PACS. 34.80.Gs Molecular excitation and ionization by electron impact -61.48.+c Fullerenes and fullerene-related materials -78.60.-b Other luminescence and radiative recombination