Use of an improved ion-solvent potentialenergy function to calculate the reaction rate and αdeuterium and microsolvation kinetic isotope effects for the gasphase S N 2 reaction of Cl−(H2O) with CH3ClA new potential energy surface for the CH3+H2↔CH4+H reaction: Calibration and calculations of rate constants and kinetic isotope effects by variational transition state theory and semiclassical tunneling calculationsThe BEBO method has been used to calculate activation energies, tunneling corrections, and kinetic isotope effects for the reactions of CHa and CFa radicals with HCI and H2S on the basis of a three-atom model for the activated complex. For comparison with previous work, calculations were also made for the reactions of CHa and CFa with H2 and SiH,. The theoretical values are compared with the corresponding experimental results, and the role of tunneling, the variation of input data, and the effect of the polarity of the substrate are discussed.