An investigation has been made of the poly~nerization of 1-butene by TiC13-i41(i-Bu)3 catalysts in heptane solution a t 40' C. The poly~nerization curve has two segments covering initial and steady-state periods a t which the rate increases several fold. 'The change in rate, which occurs after the formation of a constant amount of polymer for a given concentration of TiCI3, is interpreted as a n increase in surface area clue to breal;down of the catalyst particles. For the steady-state period, it has been shown that the rate of polymerization is proportional to the monomer and titanium trichloride concentrations and approaches a constant value as the aluminum triisobutyl concentration increases.The intrinsic viscosity of the bulk polyn~er and the crystallinity, as determined by infrared analysis, were found to be essentially independent of the concentrations of the catalyst cornponents and the extent of polymerization.'The results arc considered in terms of current theories on the mechanism of heterogeneous pol~~mcrization.