IZVLEČEKUvod: Izbira primernega teoretičnega modela ali teorije zdravstvene nege je osnova za dobro prakso. V Sloveniji uporabljamo teoretični model Virginie Henderson, ki ga v članku primerjamo s teoretičnim modelom Imogene M. King in teorijo zdravstvene nege Hildegard E. Peplau. Metode: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom domače in tuje strokovne ter znanstvene literature. Uporabili smo metodo kritičnega branja javno dostopnih virov, navezujoč se na podatke iz doslej objavljenih knjig, člankov in ostale literature, ki se dotika izbrane teme. Spletno iskanje literature je bilo opravljeno preko vzajemne bibliografsko-kataložne baze podatkov (COBIB.SI) ter tujih podatkovnih baz, kot so Jupsline, Medline, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). Za primerjavo teoretičnih modelov in teorije je bil uporabljen okvir za vrednotenje teoretičnih modelov in teorij po Jacqueline Fawcett. Rezultati: Primerjani teoretična modela in teorija zdravstvene nege opišejo koncepte metaparadigme in odnose med njimi. Koncept zdravstvena nega je najpomembnejši v vseh teoretičnih modelih, cilj vseh pa je zdravje. Vse tri teoretičarke se manj poglabljajo v koncept okolje. Diskusija in zaključek: Na področju uporabe teoretičnih modelov in teorij zdravstvene nege v zadnjih letih je narejenega premalo, medtem ko razvoj zdravstvene nege na drugih področjih hitro napreduje. Medicinske sestre morajo nadaljevati z raziskovanjem in razvojem teoretičnih modelov in teorij.
ABSTRACTIntroduction: Selection of a suitable theoretical model or theory of nursing is the basis for good practice. In Slovenia, Virginia Henderson's nursing model has been adopted as a base for professional nursing practice. The aim of this article is to present an organised and practical overview of the strengths and weaknesses of Henderson's nursing need theory in comparison to Hildegard E. Peplau's theory of interpersonal relations and Imogene M. King's goal attainment theory, as well as their implications for practice. Methods: The descriptive method was used with a literature review of domestic and foreign professional and scientific literature. The technique of critical reading was employed to study all the relevant accessible published sources. Web searching was conducted through COBIB.SI data base and data bases such as Jupsline, Medline and CINAHL. The results are compared in terms of the theories' utilization and application following Jacqueline Fawcett's framework for evaluation. Results: All three nursing theories presented are applicable at all levels of nursing practice. Nursing is a major concept in all three theories and health is the goal for all three theorists. The concept of environment is poorly described. Discussion and conclusion: The research into the application of nursing models and theories in recent years is scarce. Nurses should commit to further research and development of nursing theories to generate and test the theories and their practical application.