-Plant growth regulators are an immense group of substances that have the ability to alter growth pattern of plants and can be used for improving plant growth and productivity. A study was conducted in the Xilin Gol grassland of Inner Mongolia, China, to ascertain the growth and biomass production of Stipa krylovii in response to exogenous application of different growth regulators at various concentrations viz. naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), 6-benzylaminopurine (6-BA), brassinosteroid (BR), sodium nitrophenolate (SNP) and forchlorfenuron, and gibberellic acid (GA3). Application of growth regulators significantly enhanced the growth and biomass production of S. krylovii. The height of vegetative shoot was enhanced mostly by the application of 100 mg L -1 GA3, while, height of reproductive shoot was increased by 25 mg L -1 6-BA, 100 mg L -1 SNP + 5 mg L -1 forchlorfenuron and 50 mg L -1 SNP + 2.5 mg L -1 forchlorfenuron as compared to control. Fresh biomass was enhanced by the application of 0.02 mgforchlorfenuron and 50 mg L -1 SNP + 2.5 mg L -1 forchlorfenuron. Application of 5 mg L -1 6-BA and 50 mg L -1 SNP + 2.5 mg L -1 forchlorfenuron proved to be more beneficial in improving dry biomass of S. krylovii, as compared to control. In conclusion, exogenous application of different growth regulators improved growth and biomass production of S. krylovii. Furthermore, application of SNP + forchlorfenuron and 6-BA was more effective.Keywords: growth, pastures, biomass production.
RESUMO -Os reguladores de crescimento das plantas são um imenso grupo de substâncias que têm a capacidade de alterar o padrão de crescimento das plantas e podem ser utilizadas para melhorar o crescimento e a produtividade das plantas. Foi realizado um estudo nas pastagens de Xilin Gol, na Mongólia Interior (China), para determinar o crescimento e a produção de biomassa de